Where Is My Kid - How To


Adding a Friend or Family Member

Before any friend or family members features can be used with Where Is My Kid, the user must add each friend to their app.  This is done from the Family tab on the application:

Also note that each friend you request has to also have Where Is My Kid installed on their iPhone/iPad device.

Click on the Family tab, then press Request Friend button:

Enter the cell number of your friend in the Phone Number field.  If you select the field, you can type it in using the screen keypad.  No spaces, punctuation or special characters are allowed.

If the Select Contact button is present, you may click it to select your friends cell number from your contacts list. 

Press the Request Friend Status button to request friend status for this user.  

This will place a friend request in the system database.  Once your friend sees this request and accepts it, you will receive a message back that your request has been accepted and your friend will appear in your list for location information.

You, or your friend, can use the Check for Requests button on the Family tab to manually check for any pending program requests.  

Anytime the app is running, the program will automatically check for such requests on a periodic basis and alert you automatically.


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Last modified: January 12, 2011